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When things get too obvious...

politically correct

There has to be a middle ground in between this and being a racist (genetically discriminating)

ps: i know they want to be called Inuits, but there is enough politeness here to make you sick...


Cardboard Love

Nothing but fun and games






Together We Are Nothing At All (on average)


Hubble takes a quite humbling photograph, the photo itself is 689 MB (723 028 048 bytes) and is very very detailed. Here is a screen shot of it in photoshop.
You can just see the red square of where in the photo you are looking, in the little photo in the right corner. See it?

Screenshot 2

You can see how little of the photo is showing on the right side of the screen. And only in this little fraction there are many thousand, probably millions of stars and planets. That is why I said that all in all we don't amount to much, so if you have a bad day and you're stressed about work. Just sit back and relax in the knowledge that it does not matter in the big picture. We are wonderfully small and insignificant.


The file itself can be seen and downloaded here: http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/html/heic0710a.html

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